



Our menus are planned to meet and often exceed USDA menu planning regulations for school meals and we are proactively working to incorporate the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for school meal programs.

We have new initiatives partnering with local farmers and local chefs to create recipes that appeal to students and utilize fresh seasonal (local) ingredients.

我们欢迎您的反馈,菜单和食谱的建议. 请联系烹饪服务部.


  • 早餐多吃水果和蔬菜.
  • 多吃全麦食品.
  • 膳食中钠含量较低.

请注意:*菜单如有更改,恕不另行通知. 浏览最新的菜单信息, contact your school administration to connect with the school’s kitchen manager.



USDA Child Nutrition 项目 support access to 健康y meals to all children, 包括有特殊饮食需要的残疾儿童. 根据法律, a disability is an impairment which substantially limits a major life activity, 其中包括过敏和消化问题, but does not include personal diet preferences and email completed forms to CulinaryDietRx@neijianggwy.com.

如果您的孩子需要特殊的饮食考虑,请填写 饮食处方表.

The form must be completed by a Licensed Physician when identifying a disability, or a Recognized Medical Authority (RMA) when identifying a non-disabling medical condition. 饮食处方, RMA包括有执照的医师, 骨科医生, 执业医师助理, 持有执照的自然疗法医师.


正规的棋牌平台排行榜 has several special programs based on school community demographics. 项目, 例如社区资格条款, 是为了支持弱势学生和他们的家庭.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 (SPS) now implements the 社区资格规定 (CEP) program at multiple schools within SPS.


Families do not need to submit a free or reduced price meal application for students who are enrolled in a CEP school. 如果家庭有学生在西雅图其他学校就读, they will want to complete an application to determine eligibility for those students.

健康的, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 authorized CEP to provide an alternative to household applications in the National School Lunch and Breakfast 项目. The intent of CEP is to improve students’ access to free school meals in eligible schools and to eliminate the burden for families who are required to complete income applications on an annual basis. CEP was piloted for a three-year period in a limited number of States and is available nationwide beginning July 1, 2014.

The 新鲜水果和蔬菜计划 (FFVP) is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded program that provides free fresh fruits and 蔬菜s to students in elementary schools where at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The purpose of the program is to increase the variety and frequency of fruits and 蔬菜s that children eat and to positively influence their life-long eating habits. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Nutrition Services Department was awarded funds to serve a mid-morning or mid-afternoon fresh fruit or 蔬菜 snack through the FFVP at 7 schools for the 2019-20 school year.


  • 贝利·加泽特小学
  • 康科德小学
  • 邓拉普小学
  • 爱默生小学
  • 马丁·路德·金. 小学
  • Van Asselt小学
  • 永路小学

正规的棋牌平台排行榜营养服务中心 & Health Education departments collaborated on the development of materials for 华盛顿 Grown, 每月收获计划. “华盛顿种植”以当地农产品为重点, 全谷物和奶制品每月供应给35所学校. The materials created are transferable to districts throughout 华盛顿 since the program highlights foods grown in the state.


通过购买午餐来支持我们当地的农民 华盛顿种植,本月收获 菜单的日子. 我们经常在菜单上提供华盛顿州出产的食物. Harvest of the Month is just another way we are promoting the farmers in the state. Take a look at the current lunchroom menu to see the number of local foods served. 菜单上的重点是当地的食物.

Here are some ways that you can share the 华盛顿种植,本月收获 experience:

  • 谈论即将到来的华盛顿种植,每月收获的食物在家里  – 查找有关每种特色食物的有趣事实
  • 在家里供应华盛顿种植的、本月收获的食物 – watch for special promotions of these seasonal foods in local stores and get your children involved in shopping, 选择食谱并在家准备食物.
  • 在华盛顿种植,每月收获的日子里买午餐 . 如果你的孩子不经常吃午餐, buying lunch on the 华盛顿种植,本月收获 day sends a message that you support our efforts to offer foods grown in 华盛顿 State to our student population.

Seattle 学校 is committed to promote life-long 健康 habits around eating by offering a variety of fresh fruits and 蔬菜s, 全谷物和低脂乳制品. “华盛顿种植”支持当地农业, 季节性饮食和关于食物如何种植和生产的教育.


这是华盛顿种植计划的重点之一, 我们当地的月度收获计划, 是把自助餐厅和教室连接起来. Learning about foods will stimulate an expanded palate for our children and change the way they think about food and how it grows.

Each month cafeterias are provided with materials focusing on the featured local food item. Materials are then displayed on their Harvest of the Month bulletin board located in the cafeteria. The nutrition educator packet provides key information about the featured item as well as resources to further explore each fruit, 蔬菜, 谷物或乳制品, 它包含了实践活动, 学生开放式探索的工具和想法. 数据包促进了数学的发展, 科学, 健康, 阅读和园艺, 都以突出显示的食物为中心. It is meant for teachers, but is appropriate for anyone teaching nutrition education to our students.

  • 9月  (石头水果)
  • 10月  (胡萝卜)
  • 11月  (南瓜)
  • 12月  (豆 & 小扁豆)
  • 1月  (苹果)
  • 2月  (乳制品)
  • 3月  (粒)
  • 4月  (萝卜)
  • 五月  (芦笋)
  • 6月  (新鲜浆果)

SPS’s 餐饮服务 Department has a long standing history of working with its prime produce vendor, 华盛顿送鸭, 公司. to source locally grown produce for its school breakfast, lunch and afterschool snack programs. 总部位于萨姆纳的Duck Delivery隶属于联合沙拉公司(United Salad Co .).是一家成立于1940年的家族式农产品分销商.

2007年,联合沙拉公司.Duck Delivery Produce, 公司 .和华盛顿送鸭, 公司 .. 成为美国第一家食品联盟认证分销商. This recognition followed a rigorous third-party audit covering a variety of industry and consumer concerns including conservation, 安全和公平的工作条件, 回收, 质量控制, 可持续发展产品的食品安全和可追溯性.

骄傲包装有限公司., based in Wapato 华盛顿, grows over 3,000 acres of apple and soft fruit orchards. 这家联合沙拉公司的子公司. 是业界公认的最先进的操作. Plums, pears and whole and cut apples are just a few of the local product grown by 骄傲包装有限公司. 并由华盛顿Duck Delivery, 公司 .提供. 到学区去.

Through 正规的棋牌平台排行榜’ relationship with 华盛顿送鸭, 公司., produce is routinely sourced throughout the year from the following 华盛顿 and Oregon farms:


  • Bolthouse Farms:普罗塞,西澳
  • 卡皮尼托兄弟:肯特,华盛顿州
  • 迪基农场:宾根,华盛顿州
  • 达克沃尔:胡德河,俄勒冈州
  • 埃文斯水果:亚基马,华盛顿州
  • 皇家花园:瓦帕托,华盛顿州
  • 稻叶农场:瓦帕托,华盛顿州
  • 骄傲包装:瓦帕托,华盛顿州
  • 雷尼尔水果:华盛顿州亚基马
  • 拉尔夫的温室:山. 弗农,佤邦
  • Siri和儿子:俄勒冈州克拉克马斯
  • Sterino Farms: Puyallup, WA
  • 山谷骄傲农场:山. 弗农,佤邦
  • 华盛顿莴苣:Mt. 弗农,佤邦