



谢谢西雅图的选民们! 你批准了这些建筑物, Technology, and Academics/Athletics Capital Levy V (BTA V) with nearly 80% voting yes. This capital levy replaces BTA IV, which expires in 2022.

BTA V will raise $783 million over six years — 2023-2028.

资本征税 are the main source of funding to ensure that every student has a safe, 温馨的学习环境. School districts receive limited state or federal funding for improvements to school buildings.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 relies on voter-approved capital levies to fund school construction and renovations, 安全和保安升级, 楼宇系统改善, 主要的维护.

资本征税 provide most of the funding for important classroom technology and support for student learning, 区域技术系统, 技术基础设施. 报告最近的征税情况.


B代表建筑物: This portion of the levy includes projects that improve our school buildings. Examples of projects include roof replacements, 小的装修, 安全改进和升级, 供暖和通风改善, 主要维护, 关键的维护.

T代表技术: 资本征税 provide the primary funding source for making strategic investments in technology for learning and teaching in the classroom; delivering services to students, teachers, staff, and families; and improving efficiency in business processes. Projects and services fall into three major categories: student learning and support, 地区系统及数据, 基础设施, 和安全

A代表学术/体育: This portion of the levy pays for modifications needed for academic program changes, 操场上的改进, 运动场地的改进和设备, 还有艺术和科学设备. In addition, SPS拥有纪念体育场, and the levy includes funding to invest in new grandstands so it can continue to be used for high school athletics, 为毕业典礼, 由社区.



Use the tabs below to see levy projects by school.

a child's hands are shown typing on a computer keyboard

Technology is an essential tool for learning in today’s schools. SPS is at the forefront of delivering critical technological solutions necessary for Seattle’s quality education. 资本征税 provide the primary funding source to ensure technological capabilities are present in support of students, educators, and staff.

技术资助收益 每个SPS学校和学生. Projects and services fall into three major categories:


  • Purchase of student laptops and tablets to continue the 1:1 assignment of devices
  • 教师和教室电脑
  • Technical support staff who provide repairs, networking help, and logistics in schools
  • 数字化学习支持
  • Purchase of instructional software and licenses


  • 软件和系统开发;
  • Business and financial systems to run the district
  • Learning management systems such as Schoology and Seesaw
  • Student information systems such as PowerSchool
  • 硬件和软件应用许可
  • Service and support staff for these systems and data sources


  • Operating costs of running the SPS data center and backbone 基础设施 such as networks and cabling
  • 网络安全监控系统
  • Server software licenses, operations, and equipment maintenance
  • 网络连接
  • 电话服务
  • Staff associated with keeping 基础设施 和安全 systems operating

BTA V also includes staff professional development related to technology.

BTA V will fund technology in every elementary school.

  • Technology tools such as computers used for remote and in-classroom instruction
  • Instructional technologies such as presentation stations, 投影系统, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • Education technology software and services required to support high-quality education for all students at SPS

In addition, school-specific BTA V projects are list below.


  • 更换火灾报警系统

B.F. Day

  • 改进供热系统
  • 更换火灾报警系统


  • Replace stormwater collection system and make other site improvements
  • Replace playground and make related improvements


  • 改进供热系统
  • 更换火灾报警系统

Beacon Hill

  • 改善屋顶


  • 对外窗进行改进


  • 升级配水系统


  • 对外部覆层进行改进
  • 安装新的灭火系统


  • Make seismic improvements for earthquake safety


  • 对外窗进行改进
  • 更换火灾报警系统

Graham Hill

  • 改善屋顶

Green Lake

  • 对外部门进行改进


  • 对外窗进行改进


  • Replace playground and make related improvements

John Hay

  • 更换火灾报警系统

John Muir

  • Construct 3-classroom addition for early learning;
  • 更换火灾报警系统


  • 更换火灾报警面板


  • Confirm functionality, repair, and clean storm water collection systems
  • 密封和条形沥青区域


  • 升级学校消防系统
  • 在体育馆安装消防系统
  • Make seismic improvements for earthquake safety
  • Repair and clean storm water collection system
  • Replace existing asphalt area and replace striping


  • 改善屋顶
  • 更换火警报警器


  • 重新铺设物业北面的停车场
  • 维修周边人行道
  • 升级配水系统


  • 维修周边人行道


  • 更换火警报警器
  • 安装新的灭火系统
  • Install new grass playfield, asphalt exercise path, amphitheater, and learning garden


  • Replace playground and make related improvements


  • Make seismic improvements for earthquake safety

Queen Anne

  • 对外窗进行改进

冉冉升起的新星/ AAA

  • Replace playground and make related improvements
  • 对外部覆层进行改进
  • 对外窗进行改进
  • 更换对讲/时钟系统

Sand Point

  • 改善屋顶
  • 对外窗进行改进


  • 更换火灾报警系统

View Ridge

  • Make seismic improvements for earthquake safety
  • 对电气系统进行改进


  • 更换火灾报警系统

BTA V will fund technology in every K-8 school.

  • Technology tools such as computers used for remote and in-classroom instruction
  • Instructional technologies such as presentation stations, 投影系统, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • Education technology software and services required to support high-quality education for all students at SPS

In addition, school-specific BTA V projects are list below.


  • 更换水管
  • 安装新的灭火系统

层叠父母合伙/North Queen Anne

  • 更换操场并进行改进


  • 改善屋顶
  • 对外部门进行改进
  • 改进电气系统
  • 重新铺设停车场
  • 升级入侵检测系统

Louisa Boren STEM

  • 改进电气系统
  • 更换对讲/时钟系统


  • 改善供热系统
  • 更换火灾报警系统


  • 更换现有的火灾报警面板


  • 改善屋顶
  • Upgrade and potentially replace fire suppression system

BTA V will fund technology in every middle school.

  • Technology tools such as computers used for remote and in-classroom instruction
  • Instructional technologies such as presentation stations, 投影系统, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • Education technology software and services required to support high-quality education for all students at SPS

In addition, school-specific BTA V projects are list below.


  • 改善屋顶
  • Confirm functionality, repair, and clean storm water collection systems
  • 密封和条形沥青区域
  • 更换应急发电机
  • Upgrade existing fire suppression system in annex

Jane Addams

  • Make seismic improvements for earthquake safety


  • 对外部覆层进行改进
  • 对外窗进行改进


  • Make seismic improvements for earthquake safety
  • Upgrade and potentially replace fire suppression system

BTA V will fund technology in every high school.

  • Technology tools such as computers used for remote and in-classroom instruction
  • Instructional technologies such as presentation stations, 投影系统, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • Education technology software and services required to support high-quality education for all students at SPS

In addition, school-specific BTA V projects are list below.

Alan T. Sugiyama

  • Install suitable toddler playground with equipment


  • 更换对讲/时钟系统
  • 网球场涂丙烯酸涂料

Chief Sealth International

  • Replace existing synthetic turf at upper softball field and replace existing field lighting (Nino Cantu SWAC)


  • Confirm functionality, repair, and clean storm water collection systems
  • 密封和条形沥青区域
  • 健身房:改善供暖系统, 更换火灾报警系统, improve parking lot south of gym by resurfacing and striping, 改善雨水渗透, 安装新的围栏和路边保险杠, replacing lighting; add card key access


  • Building 100: Upgrade fire suppression system, 进行电气改进, 并将照明升级为高效LED
  • Building 200: 安装新的灭火系统, 进行电气改进


  • Develop new athletic field with synthetic turf and track


  • Replace existing synthetic turf at auxiliary field and stadium
  • 重新铺设网球场
  • 安装座位和围栏


  • 对外部覆层进行改进, exterior doors, and exterior windows
  • Install new batting cages at Hiawatha playfield


  • 对外部门进行改进

跨部门/ Roxhill学校

  • 更换现有的火灾报警面板
  • 升级入侵检测系统


  • 外部窗户的改进;
  • 无洒水装置地区的消防;
  • 供热系统改进

John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence

  • 对外部覆层进行改进
  • 改善屋顶
  • Install humidity-controlled compliant storage HVAC for district archive

纪念体育馆(common questions are answered on our FAQ page)

  • 投资建造新的看台
  • 升级配水系统
  • 升级现场灯光
  • 取代运动场人造草皮


  • 对外部门进行改进
  • 提供新的灭火系统

Van Asselt临时站点

  • 改进供热系统 in 1950-era building


  • 合成草皮更换费用分摊


